Closing the gap for New Zealanders

Imagine if every child in Aotearoa had a warm, dry, healthy home…

Imagine if there was an effective way we could retain up to 45% of a rooms warmth…

Imagine if there was a way, together we could make that happen for everyone…

In May this year a number of Aotearoa’s key housing and health organisations came together to challenge the government to ‘close the gap’ in rental homes, by making sure every home has effective curtains that hold warmth in.

At the moment, underfloor and ceiling insulation are required for rental properties to meet the Healthy Home Standards. Leaving window coverings out creates a gap in home insulation for renters, allowing warmth to literally fly out the window. This is making vulnerable people more likely to get sick and have power bills that they cannot afford. 

By having effective curtains (double lined, full length), as part of the Healthy Homes Standards we can ensure we are looking after the health and wellbeing of everyone in Aotearoa.

You can help close the gaps by signing our petition today to make best practice curtains mandatory in rental homes or by sharing this with your networks.

See here for more information